
Confirmed: Army beefs up Z'bar security ahead of polls

Zanzibar’s top police officer yesterday confirmed the deployment of more Tanzania Peoples Defence Forces (TPDF) personnel in the island archipelago this week, defending the move as a necessary security measure ahead of Sunday’s scheduled general election rerun.

According to Commissioner of Police Hamdani Omar Makame, recent flare-ups of violence in Unguja and Pemba - including the torching of offices belonging to both the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and opposition Civic United Front (CUF) parties,  as well as residential properties - were among major reasons for the security beef-up.
CP Makame stressed that the security forces were not in the Isles to threaten would-be voters, but to ensure peace and harmony prevail before and after Sunday’s polls.
“The move to bring in more forces from the Mainland and arm them accordingly was prompted by the incidents of violence that have been recurring as the countdown continues towards the election (rerun),” he said, adding that residents have no need to worry as the security forces are there to protect them and their properties.
The confirmation came just a day after CUF, the main opposition party in the Zanzibar election, accused the government of sending heavily-armed security forces to Pemba Island - the party’s stronghold - prompting residents to go into hiding in nearby forests or flee to Mombasa, Kenya.
Without giving details, Makame said the forces have been mandated to implement all orders from above to ensure a peaceful election rerun.
He said the deployment of more TPDF soldiers in the Isles did not necessarily mean the police had failed in its duty, but was merely a precautionary measure due to the increasing violence.
“We (police) usually ask for assistance when such incidents occur because some people apparently would like to see Zanzibar descend into unwanted chaos for their own reasons,” the Isles chief said.
He emphasized that security forces as a whole had enough tools to execute their duties effectively, and vowed that no one would be spared if found trying to fuel chaos or frighten would-be voters.
“Similarly, no one should blame the police for any massive use of force if the country’s laws and regulations were violated,” Makame said.
On some Pemba residents reportedly going into hiding or seeking refuge in neighbouring Kenya, Makame described them as criminals and said the police would deal with them accordingly.
Meanwhile, Makame also confirmed that unidentified people threw an explosive device believed to be a bomb onto the roof of his house in Zanzibar’s Kijichi area on Monday night.
According to the Isles police chief, the incident happened around 11 p.m while members of his family were asleep.
No one was injured but family members were shaken up, he said. Police are investigating the incident.

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