
Minister tells Mbeya traders to think global

Mwanjelwa market traders in Mbeya Municipality have been challenged to create favourable business environment to attract more local and foreign buyers, especially from Southern African countries.
Deputy Minister in the President’s Office (Regional Administration and Local Government), Suleiman Jaffo made the challenge on Monday during a tour of the market. 
“This market can be a hub for traders from Southern African countries who have to go to Kariakoo market in Dar es Salaam to get their commodities,” he said.
He said that Mwanjelwa market is among the biggest and best in the entire Southern African zone thus if it will be well utilised it could attract more traders from both within and outside the country.
Jaffo said that currently many traders from Southern African countries have to travel to Dar es Salaam’s Kariakoo market to get their commodities but they could just get them at the nearby Mwanjelwa market.
“The geographical position and design is all in your favour, if traders and the market leadership will take advantage of those facts I am certain that this market will be transformed into a hub,” he said.
He said that Mbeya City Council leadership should put in place modern infrastructure in all areas surrounding the market and turn it into a modern business area to attract more people.
Jaffo, however, also challenged traders to conduct their businesses in a professional manner and bring in quality goods.
Mwanjelwa Traders’ Association Chairman Peter Chacha requested the minister to use his authority and direct Mbeya City Council officials to change the use of the entire area at Mwanjelwa to be a business area.

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