
African court to rule on armed robbers' application

The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (AfCHPR) is today expected to deliver judgment on the application filed by Wilfred Onyango and co against the United Republic of Tanzania.
The Kenyan national and his colleague Patrick Ayisi Ingoi were arrested nine years ago and have since been sentenced to 30 years for armed robbery. AfCHPR’s Vice President Lady Justice Elsie Thompson will deliver the verdict, according to a statement issued yesterday by the Arusha based court.
The two were wanted by law enforcement agencies in Tanzania for allegedly stealing money in excess of 5bn/- from the National Bank of commerce in Moshi on May 21, 2004.
Subsequent investigations led to arrests of certain Tanzanian suspects inside Tanzania and the two Kenyan respondents concerned with the instant ruling inside Kenya. In their application number 006/2013, the Kenyans allege that they were lawfully in Mozambique looking for business opportunities on January 16, 2006, when they were kidnapped and put on a military airplane bound for Tanzania where they have been incarcerated since and charged with murder and three charges of armed robbery.
The accused have further complained of prolonged trial due to frequent adjournment of their case, lack of legal aid, torture and beating by police and in prison, among other things. The Tanzanian government, through State Attorneys Nkasori Sarakikya and Timon Vitalis denied the allegations. Through the lawyers, the state has maintained that the Kenyans were lawfully charged and that it was wrong for them to challenge it at the African Court before exhausting all other local channels.
The court had by February 29, 2016 received 74 applications of which 25 have been finalised. Four applications have been transferred to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

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