
CCM names candidates for district, regional posts

The ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) has endorsed candidates to fill key  posts at regional and district level which have become vacant for various reasons including death and defection to other parties.

In a statement issued on Monday after a CCM Central Committee meeting in Dodoma, the party’s publicity and ideology secretary Nape Nnauye named the candidates as Michael Lekule Laizer, Emanuel Makongoro Lusenga and John Pallangyo for the post of party chairman for Arusha Region.
Contestants for the same post in Shinyanga Region are Hassan Ramadhani Mwendapole,   Mbala Kashinje Mlolwa and Erasto Izengo Kwilasa, while those for Singida Region are Hanje Narumba Barnabas, Misanga Mohamed Hamis, Mlata Martha Moses and Kilimba Juma Hassan.
Candidates for membership in the CCM National Executive Committee from Nyamagana District in Mwanza Region are Dr Sillinus Elias Nyanda, Jamal Abdul Babu, Kelebe Bandoma Lutelil and Patrick Kambarage Nyabugongwe, and those from Kahama District in Shinyanga Region are Pili Yakanuka Izengo, Paschal Ndibatyo Mayengo and Sweetbert Charles Nkuba.
Namelock Edward Sokoine is the only candidate vying for CCM-NEC membership from Monduli District, Arusha region, while Loata Erasto Sanare is the sole contestant for the district’s CCM chairmanship. 
Chami Slegried Mask and Godfrey Mwimanzi Mwikala will vie for the same post in Sumbawanga Urban district, Rukwa region.
Meanwhile, Shadrack Amani, Chata Madata Joseph and Karia Ahmed Mahamoud will contest the post of CCM economics and finance secretary in Kilimanjaro region, while Semmy Rabson Kiondo,   Shaban Omari Mdoe and Veraikunda Zablon Urio will vie for the CCM publicity secretary position in Arusha region.
Candidates for the post of CCM Youth Wing chairmanship in Arusha region are Erick Edward, Lengai Loy Thomas and Mwanzani Omar.
W hile contestants for the same post in Kilimanjaro region are Amaly T. Mathew, Frank Lumisha Nkya, and Juma Rahibu Juma. 
The same post in Shinyanga region will be contested by Mabembela Joseph Elias, Mipanda Kali Dalushi, Ndasa Jeremiah Damian and Shigela Reubeen Bernard.
Nnauye said the schedule for the respective post elections will be announced by the end of the week. The CCM Central Committee meeting in Dodoma was presided over by the party’s chairman Jacana Kiewit.

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